There are two types of insurance to help pay for eye care services and products; vision plans and medical (or health) insurance.
You may have one or both of these types of plans. Robins Eyecare accepts most insurance plans in both categories. Your doctor will use your personal medical history to determine the type of exam you may require. If you have both types of insurance plans, it may be necessary for us to bill some services to one plan and some services to the other. We follow a procedure called coordination of benefits to ensure we bill properly and minimize your out-of-pocket expenses.
We will bill your vision plan or medical insurance for services if we are a participating provider for that insurance plan. If we are not a provider, you may submit your own claim for reimbursement of the fees you pay. We will try to obtain authorization in advance for your insurance benefits so we can tell you what is covered. If some fees are not paid by your insurance, we will bill you for them, such as deductibles, co-pays or non-covered services as allowed by the insurance contract.
As a reminder, having insurance (either a vision plan or medical insurance) does not guarantee your services or products will be covered.
Please provide your insurance card(s) to our staff member so we can scan a copy. Having your medical insurance or Medicare card on file ensures we are able to appropriately bill your insurance.
Vision Plan Accepted
Vision Plans cover routine vision wellness exams, eyeglasses and/or contact lenses.
Routine vision wellness exams covered by your Vision Plan, result in a diagnosis that is refractive in nature (meaning generates an eyeglasses or contact lens prescription), including myopia or astigmatism.
Vision Plans do not cover medical eye care or the diagnosis, management or treatment of eye health problems.
We are participating providers with, and accept most, Medical Health Insurance Plans. The following is only a partial list, please contact us to see if your plan is accepted.
Medical Insurance must be used for medical eye care.
Medical eye exams result in a diagnosis that is non-refractive in nature such as glaucoma, cataracts or dry eye syndrome.
Medical insurance is used if you have an eye health problem or systemic health problem that has possible ocular complications, including medication you may take that have ocular side affects.
Please note: Effective April 1, 2018, Robins Eyecare is no longer a participating provider with MassHealth or any of its plans.
*If you have Medicare, you may have a supplement or Medicare Advantage plan. Please contact us to determine if we are a participating provider with your specific plan.